charges its customers in AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS ONLY (AUD), no matter where the purchase originates. can arrange freight delivery both nationally and internationally, for an accurate competitive quote please contact our friendly staff with your location and the item it is you would like to purchase.
In a word “yes” our workshop supplies a comprehensive fitting service, all parts and labour are guaranteed. Because selling car parts is our core business we are able to offer a labour rate to our customers far cheaper than most mechanical workshops.
Our trained technicians can program modules, reprogram keys and perform a range of other functions that up until recently have only been available at a dealership level.
Yes we offer new genuine and quality aftermarket auto parts to our customers, we warranty everything we sell and our customers are our best resource when it comes to new product testing if its not up to scratch and we find out we simply will not stock that item.
We are located at 242 Grand Junction Road Athol Park SA 5012 and our phone number is (08) 83411122. We are conveniently located next to a bus stop and within 2 kilometres of the local train station.
We invite you to write your complaint in an email to the following address;
Please list the nature of your complaint, what it was you were purchasing/enquiring about and some personal contact information should you wish to be advised of any action taken about your complaint. We are committed to ensuring that you receive a quality product companied with a high level of customer service.
We are proud to be part of Hotline 40 plus and offer all clients free access to the hotline in order to find their parts, We specialise in Ford parts and have a very current and accurate awareness of what is available all over Australia. If we can’t sell it there is an excellent chance we can find it for you.
Ford Wreckers, Also Known As Athol Park Ford Wreckers, Has Been In Ford Spares, Parts And Dismantling For Over 20 Years.
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